SEBI REG,NO INH000000651

28 years experience

NIFTY 22147.90 Intraday option :  for subscribers

Position trade & overview : for subscribers

47484.80 Intraday option :  for subscribers
Position trade & overview : for subscribers
18.04.24 AXIS
  Intraday Calls :

Position trade & overview : stock in rally.
CIPLA   Intraday Calls :


Position trade & overview : stock in rally .

  Intraday Calls : 


Position trade & overview :  follow daily report for fresh call.
HPCL   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :


ICIBNK 1067.05 Intraday call :  for subscribers

Position trade & overview : for subscribers
ITC   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :

INFY   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :
2031.30 Intraday Calls  :  for subscribers

Position trade & overview : for subscribers

RIL 2931.50 Intraday call :  for subscribers
Position trade & overview : for subscribers
SBI 751.70 Intraday call:  for subscribers

Position trade & overview : for subscribers
160.05 Intraday Calls  :  for subscribers

Position trade & overview :  for subscribers
NIFTY 22272.50 Intraday option : buy pe 22300 strik (97.80)/18.4.24 @ 78 SL 53 T 94 + 113 + 119

buy ce 22300 strik (115)/ 18.8.24 @ 74 + 56 SL 36 T 121 + 155 , buy risky against trend, strict intraday

Position trade & overview :

+close on 166 , level not traded

+85 points gain in buy @ 22120 exited 22205
+20% gain in ce 22100 strik intraday

47773.25 Intraday option : sell @ 48040 (buy pe 48000 strik /24.4.24) SL 48240 T 47825 + 47730

buy @ 47555 + 47405 (buy ce 47500 + 47400 strik /24.4.24) SL 47255 T 47640 + 47775 , riksy trade, against trend , strict intraday
Position trade & overview :
sell not traded

+145 points gain in buy exited 47550 follow wapp screenshot

+15% gain in ce 47400 strik intraday
16.04.24 AXIS
  Intraday Calls :

Position trade & overview : stock in rally.
CIPLA   Intraday Calls :


Position trade & overview : stock in rally .

  Intraday Calls : 


Position trade & overview :  follow daily report for fresh call.
HPCL   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :


ICIBNK   Intraday call :

Position trade & overview :
ITC   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :

INFY   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :
2053.45 Intraday Calls  : sell @ 2074 + 2079.50 (buy pe 2060 strik / 25.4.24) SL 2091 T 2052 + 2044


Position trade & overview :
+25/29 Rs gain

+30% gain in pe 2060 strik intarday

RIL 2929.65 Intraday call : sell @ 2953 + 2961.50 9buy pe 2960 strik /25.4.24 SL 2981 T 2926 + 2919

Position trade & overview :
+ T achieved level not traded
SBI 757.50 Intraday call: sell @ 760.85 + 764.50 (buy pe 760/765 strik / 25.4.24) SL 772.75 T 757 + 754.25

Position trade & overview : 
+ T achieved level not traded
160.85 Intraday Calls  : sell @ 162.29 + 162.86 (buy pe 162.30 + 162.85 strik /25.4.24) SL 165.53 T 159.50 + 158.70

Position trade & overview : 
+2.50 Rs gain

+25% gain in pe 162.30 strik Intraday
NIFTY 22519.40 Intraday option : buy pe 22500 strik(89.50)/18.4.24 @ 89.50 + 80 + 71 SL 56 T 99 + 105 + 110

Position trade & overview : .
+T achieved 150% gain in pe

+75-125 points gain intraday , follow wapp

48564.55 Intraday option : buy pe 48600 strik (212.60)/16.4.24 @ 213 + 199 SL 150 T 264 + 300
Position trade & overview :
+T achieved 150% gain in pe

+ 300 points gain intarday follow wapp  screen shot above
15.04.24 AXIS
  Intraday Calls :

Position trade & overview : stock in rally.
CIPLA   Intraday Calls :


Position trade & overview : stock in rally .

  Intraday Calls : 


Position trade & overview :  follow daily report for fresh call.
HPCL   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :


ICIBNK 1104.40 Intraday call : sell @ 1113 (buy pe 1110 strik/25.4.24) SL 1118.25 T 1106.50 + 1104

buy @ 1094 (buy ce 1090 strik / 25.4.24) SL 1087.50 T 1102.50 + 1105 , strict intraday

Position trade & overview : stock still in rally, with SL 1087 , previous T was 1113 achieved, follow daily report for fresh call.
+ sell no trade

-SL in buy
ITC   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :

INFY   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :
2070.95 Intraday Calls  : sell @ 2080 + 2086 (buy pe 2080 strik / 25.4.24) SL 2095 T 2061 + 2054 , strict intraday


Position trade & overview : booked profit @ 2094,  but rally still inforce with SL 1998 , buying at high may risk , follow daily report for fresh call.
+26 Rs gain

+20% gain in pe

RIL 2934.30 Intraday call : sell @ 2944 + 2955 (buy pe 2940/2960 strik /25.4.24) SL 2969 T 2933 + 2926

Position trade & overview : stock in downside correction with high complexity, follow daily report for fresh call.
+20/25 Rs gain

+25% gain in pe 2660 strik
SBI 766.30 Intraday call: sell @ 770.75 + 772.75 (buy pe 770 strik / 25.4.24) SL 776.75 T 764.25 + 762.25

Position trade & overview : sell in very low volume @ 770.75  + 774.50 (buy pe770 strik /25.4.24) SL 781 in 1-2 session, T 760.75 + 757.75  in 3-4+ session, uptrend exactly not reversed , SL must follow with daily report.
+T achieved level not traded
163.50 Intraday Calls  : sell @ 164.02 + 165.23 (buy pe 164 + 165 strik / 25.4.24) SL 167.21 T 163.05 + 162.16

Position trade & overview :  Last time asked sell 2 day back @ 169.60 , still can sell @ 165.24 + 166.40 (buy pe 165 + 166 strik /25.4.24) in 1session SL 168.10 , T 160.85 + 159.50 in 3-4+ session. follow with daily SL must.
+2/3 Rs gain

+25% gain in pe165 strik
NIFTY 22753.80 Intraday option : buy ce 22750 strik/18.4.24 @ 128 + 120 SL 112 T 144 + 152 , use low volume strict intraday , if open at T cancel buy after 1-2 pm

buy pe 22750 strik/18.4.24 @ 110 + 85 SL 30 T 124 + 138

Position trade & overview : last time asked to book profit , and asked test a minor advance sell @ 22700 + 22790 in 1-2 session , SL 22935 , T 22428 + 22365 in 3-5+ session (buy pe 22700 strik / 25.4.24) , still sell advance on may minor risk, so no more sell, just follow daily SL. still uptrend is inforce with SL 22600 on daily.
[11:44 am, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Only intraday Ce support /rest all as given no change
[12:18 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): avoid further ce buy in nifty + bnknifty for safety intarday
[12:18 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): keep sell + sell more nifty
[12:23 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Hold last sell nifty + banknifty + sell minor @ 22645 + 22675 SL 22750 T 22610 + 589 // buy Pe 22650 + 22700 according 25.4.24
[12:23 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Hold last sell nifty + banknifty + sell minor @ 22645 + 22675 SL 22750 T 22610 + 589 // buy Pe 22650 + 22700 according 25.4.24

use slowly volume
[12:25 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): If same day close and maintain 22612-610 then T are as given in my position folow with position
[12:26 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): cancell all buy in index + stocks further
[12:30 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Support: if same day miantain + close 22621-610 below then downside confirm and it will T my position // go slowly in sell
[12:30 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Support: if same day miantain + close 22612-610 below then downside confirm and it will T my position // go slowly in sell
[12:37 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Support: dont make high volume again saying as stocks are not favouring // so make volume in low on close will update // stocks i dont change online level / just asked becose of nifty
[12:38 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): nifty confirm downside / can sell more in bounce +and hold last sell
[12:40 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): hold nifty sell + sell more in bounce / banknfty will also down
[12:40 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): HNI: hold last sell nifty + banknifty
[12:40 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): HNI: hold last sell nifty + banknifty
[12:44 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Sell nifty more @ 22625 + 22655 SL 22750 T as defined in position // buy pe 22600 + 22650 25.4.24 according
[12:44 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): HNI : add minor more sell:

Sell nifty more @ 22625 + 22655 SL 22750 T as defined in position // buy pe 22600 + 22650 25.4.24 according
[12:44 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): HNI : add minor more sell:

Sell nifty more @ 22625 + 22655 SL 22750 T as defined in position // buy pe 22600 + 22650 25.4.24 according
[12:49 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Nifty T 22525 + 22425 in 2-3+5 session + bnknifty T 48575 + 48300 / same time / sell more in bounce both / buy pe 22500 nifty + bnknift 48600 + 25.4.24 according in each bounce
[12:51 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): cancel buy in stock today further
[12:54 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Sell nifty more @ 22625 + 22655 SL 22750 T as defined in position // buy pe 22600 + 22650 25.4.24 according

banknifty sell @ 48715 + 48800 SL 48990 T 48575 + 48300 buy pe 48700 + 48800 25.4.24
[2:42 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Intraday T : nifty 22550 + 22530 banknifty 48585 + max 48520 // position T given in last massage
[2:52 pm, 12/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Nifty T 22525 + 22425 in 2-3+5 session + bnknifty T 48575 + 48300 / same time / sell more in bounce both / buy pe 22500 nifty + bnknift 48600 + 25.4.24 according in each bounce

T are as given above / will sell more in bounce dont at low / level in night report / hold last sell with SL as given
+buy exited
turn seller , follow wapp ++ already sell open @ 22730 level last day
turn seller intraday@ 22635+ for T 22530++
48986.50 Intraday option : buy ce 49000 strik / 16.4.24 @ 237 + 204 SL 171 T 270  + 295 , if open at T cancel buy after 12-1 pm

buy pe 49000 strik/16.4.24 @ 155 SL 32 T 278 + 325 max 350
Position trade & overview : booked 100% profit as our T 48347 + 48630 achieved. sell in advance @ 48925 + 49050 in 1-2 session (buy pe 48950/49000 strik / 25.4.24) SL 49350 , T can 48575 + 48300 + in 5+ sessions, follow with daily SL must,  use low volume presently as uptrend still inforce with SL 48390.
+buy exited
turn seller , follow wapp ++ already sell open @ 49050 level last day
12.04.24 AXIS
  Intraday Calls :

Position trade & overview : stock in rally.
CIPLA   Intraday Calls :


Position trade & overview : stock in rally .

  Intraday Calls : 


Position trade & overview :  follow daily report for fresh call.
HPCL   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :


ICIBNK 1109.40 Intraday call : risky today so avoid

Position trade & overview : stock still in rally, with SL 1087 , previous T was 1113 achieved, follow daily report for fresh call.
ITC   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :

INFY 1506.70 Intraday Calls  : buy @ 1500.75 + 1494.25 (buy ce 1500 strik /25.4.24) SL 1484 T 1506 + 1509

Position trade & overview : keep long with SL 1480 , buy minor more @ 1494 + 1489.25 9buy ce 1500 strik / 25.4.24) in 1-2 session T 1528 + in 3-5 +session , follow with daily report must.
+ exited same leve follow wapp in nifty column
2076.20 Intraday Calls  : sell @ 2098.50 (buy pe 2100 strik/25.4.24) SL 2115 T 2075 + 2062 , risky trade against trend, strict intraday


Position trade & overview : book profit as   T  2094 achieved,  but rally still inforce with SL 1998 , buying at high may risk , follow daily report for fresh call.
+ T achieved no trade

RIL 2959.15 Intraday call : buy @ 2943.75 + 2933 (buy ce 2940 strik / 25.4.24) SL 2921 T 2960 , cancel buy after 12-1pm

sell @ 2980/81.75 (buy pe 2980 strik/25.4.24) SL 2995 T 2968.50 + 2964

Position trade & overview : stock in downside correction with high complexity, follow daily report for fresh call.
+20 Rs gain in buy
+20% gan in ce 2940 strik

sell not traded
SBI 779.05 Intraday call: buy @ 773.25 + 770.90 (buy ce 770 strik / 25.4.24) SL 766 T 77.75 + 780.75

Position trade & overview : last we exited buy , but rally still inforce with SL 760 , T are 775 + 782 + 789 in short term, avoid buy at high, follow daily report for fresh level.
+2 Rs gain then ask to cancel buy as nifty fallen
+15% gain in ce 770 strik
165.05 Intraday Calls  : sell @ 166.51 + 167.75 (buy pe 166.50 + 167.75 strik/25.4.24) SL 169.55 T 164.25 + 163.10

Position trade & overview :  exit in long as T  167 achieved,  test low volume sell @ 167.40 + 169.50 in 1-2 session (buy pe 168 strik/25.4.24) SL 171.50 , T 163.05 +  in 2+ session , sell still advance use low volume , follow with daily SL must.
+ T achieved with minor difference
NIFTY 22642.75 Intraday option : buy pe 22650 strik/18.4.24 @ 105 + 92 SL 49 T 120 + 135 max 150

Position trade & overview : book 100% profit in long, as  T are 22649 + 22719 + 22795 almost achieved , test a minor advance sell @ 22700 + 22790 in 1-2 session , SL 22935 , T 22428 + 22365 in 3-5+ session (buy pe 22700 strik / 25.4.24) , follow with daily SL and report must. still sell advance on confirmation will ask for more sell.

bot @ 100 + 92= cost 96 , exited same level , follow wapp sceenshot @ 1.58pm
48730.55 Intraday option : buy ce 48700 strik/16.4.24 @ 307 SL 266 T 352 + 380 , use low volume , strict intraday .

buy pe 48800 strik / 16.4.24 @ 229 SL 63 T 355 + 390

Position trade & overview : book 100% profit as our T 48347 + 48630 achieved, sell advance @ 48925 + 49050 in1-2 session (buy pe 48950/49000 strik / 25.4.24) SL 49350 , T can 48575 + 48300 + in 5+ sessions, follow with daily SL . its advance , so use low volume presently, can ask more on accurate time.
CE T achieved , level not traded (low/high maintained 343/508)
+30/40 Rs gain in pe (high /low 372-207, close 240)
10.04.24 AXIS
  Intraday Calls :

Position trade & overview : stock in rally.
CIPLA   Intraday Calls :


Position trade & overview : stock in rally .

  Intraday Calls : 


Position trade & overview :  follow daily report for fresh call.
HPCL   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :


ICIBNK 1107.05 Intraday call : sell @ 1118 (buy pe 1120 strik /25.4.24 ) SL 1126 , T 1110.50 + 1106 , risky trade against trend

Position trade & overview : rally still with SL 1082 , in my previous report T was 1113 , last day mistaken . follow daily report for fresh call.
ITC   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :

INFY   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview : stock in downside correction with SL 1530 on daily , follow daily report for fresh call.

2090.90 Intraday Calls  : sell @ 2096 + 2108 (buy pe 2100 strik / 25.4.24) SL 2131 T 2088 + 2076 , risky trade, against trend

Position trade & overview : book profit as  , T  2094 achieved,   follow with daily  report

RIL 2927.30 Intraday call : sell @ 2946.75 + 2953.25 (buy pe 2940 strik /25.4.24) SL 2968 T 2932 + 2922
Position trade & overview : stock in downside correction with high complexity.
SBI 764.20 Intraday call: sell @ 766.70 + 769.55 (buy pe 770 + 765 strik / 25.4.24) SL 773.40 T 762.75 + 760.50

Position trade & overview : exit 100% in long, test a minor advance sell @ 768 + 770.50 in1-2 session, (buy pe 770 strik / 25.4.24 SL 775.25 , T 753 + 748 + in 5+ session , follow with daily SL must.
166 Intraday Calls  : buy @ 164.25 (buy ce 164.20 strik / 25.4.24) SL 162.15 T 165.50 + 166.20 , use very low volume, strict intraday

Position trade & overview :  exit in long as T  167 achieved,  test low volume sell @ 166.60 in 1-2 session (buy pe 169 strik/25.4.24) SL 173 , T 162.40 + 159.45 in 3-5+ session , follow with daily SL and report must.
NIFTY 22666.30 Intraday option : buy ce 22650 strik/10.4.24 @ 98.95 + 89.80 SL 68.50 T 109 + 117 + 123

buy pe 22650 strik /16.4.24 @ 91 + 68 SL 30 T 118 + 137 , risky against trend

Position trade & overview : book 75% profit in long, and follow SL 22405 in remain 25% in last long, T are 22649 + 22719 + 22795 in 4 -7 session , or any ground today if nifty maintain 22425 below , then can weak , so must follow daily SL.
+ ce T achieved in open trade cancel

+35 rs gain per lot in ce
48581.70 Intraday option : buy ce 48500 strik/16.4.24 @ 349 SL 298 T 447 + 485

buy pe 48500 strik /16.4.24 @ 232 + 170 SL 107 T 310 + 390


Position trade & overview : book 75% profit @ 48500 - 48625 , and hold remain 25% with SL 47825 in last long, last T 48347 achieved, can even 48630, no buy at high, follow with daily report for fresh call.
+ ce T achieved no trade

+75/100 Rs gain per lot in pe
9.04.24 AXIS
  Intraday Calls :

Position trade & overview : stock in rally.
CIPLA   Intraday Calls :


Position trade & overview : stock in rally .

  Intraday Calls : 


Position trade & overview :  follow daily report for fresh call.
HPCL   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :


ICIBNK 1087.15 Intraday call : sell @ 1095.75 + 1098 (buy pe 1100 strik / 25.4.24) SL 1105.75 T 1090 + 1087 , strict intraday

Position trade & overview : exit in long @ 1090/91 for safety , and follow with daily report for fresh call, rally exactly not over , but stock  may weak.
-SL intraday
ITC   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :

INFY   Intraday Calls  : no time left

Position trade & overview : stock in downside correction with SL 1530 on daily , follow daily report for fresh call.

2078.10 Intraday Calls  : buy @ 2046.25 + 2039.75 (buy ce 2040 strik /25.4.24) SL 2010 T 2078 + 2090 max 2097

Position trade & overview : keep long with SL 1981 , T 2058 + 2094 possibility ,  follow with daily SL and report.
+ T achieved not traded

RIL 2971 Intraday call : buy @ 2954.25 + 2950 (buy ce 2940/2960 strik/25.4.24)  SL 2931 T 2965 + 2974
Position trade & overview : follow with daily report for fresh call.

+ 10 Rs gain gain before 12 then cancel follow wapp
SBI 768.30 Intraday call: buy @ 759.25 (buy ce 760 strik / 25.4.24) SL 755.15 T 766.50 + 769.25

sell @ 771.75 + 775.20 (buy pe 775 strik / 25.4.24) SL 780.50 T 767.80 + 766.75 , risky trade against trend, strict intraday

Position trade & overview : follow SL 751.25 in long , exit 75% in long , and follow SL 751.25 in remain 25% position ,  follow with daily report for fresh call.
+ Buy T achieved no trade

+4 Rs gain in sell

+20% gain in pe 775 strik
165.20 Intraday Calls  : buy @ 164.60 + 163.89 (buy ce 164.60 + 163.90 strik /25.4.24) SL 162.32 T 165.50 + 166.20

Position trade & overview :  still rally inforce with SL 160.30 ,  T can retest 162.25 +164 + max 167 in 2-4 session ,  follow with daily SL must.
+2.50 Rs gain with minor difference

+20% gain in ce 164.50 strik
NIFTY 22513.70 Intraday call : buy @ 22425 + 22351 (buy ce 22400 + 22350 strik/10.4.24) SL 22275 T 22450 + 22485

sell @ 22545 + 22590 ( buy pe22550 strik / 10.4.24) SL 22635 T 22465 + 22425 , risky trade , against trend

Position trade & overview : book 75% profit in long, and follow SL 22275 in remain 25% in last long,  avoid fresh buy at high can risk , follow with daily report for fresh call.

[10:10 am, 8/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Sell still risky so exit in nifty sell @ 22595 to 22580 or SL is minor follow must / rest no change // bnknift sell performed / rest all as given
[10:20 am, 8/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Just support not to buy at high : nifty can T 22622 + 22660 //
[11:37 am, 8/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Support: nifty level is high and swing is poor so avoiding buy at high / T i defined for today / rest stocks r bullish tatsteel + M&M we r already bullish / Sbi no change /ril will update in night report
[12:41 pm, 8/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Bnknift sell still risky already said in night report one time 1st T achieved, furthet may or not so cancel sell Or trade with SL must
[1:26 pm, 8/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Nifty : T given 22662 above it 22694 + 22725 may also same or next day / All stocks r in rally: tatsteel + M&M + hdfcbnk + Ril also in minor term + Sbi
[1:28 pm, 8/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Nifty : T given 22662 above it 22694 + 22725 may also same or next day / All stocks r in rally: tatsteel + M&M + hdfcbnk + Ril also in minor term + Sbi

just support not to buy at high
+ buy not traded open high

0% sell exited same level 22595 , follow wapp  & T modified 22662 + 22694 +
48493.05 Intraday call : buy @ 48161-137 (buy ce 48150 strik / 10.4.24) SL 47965 T 48375 + 48450

sell @ 47630 + 48730 (buy pe 48650 + 48750 strik /10.4.24) SL 48910 T 48520 + 48400 , risky trade, against trend , strict intraday

Position trade & overview : book 75% profit @ 48500 - 48625 , and hold remain 25% with SL 47600 in last long, last T  48347 achieved, can even 48630, no buy at high, follow with daily  report for fresh call.
+ buy not traded

+90 points gain in sell

+10/15% gain in pe 48650 strik
8.04.24 AXIS
  Intraday Calls :

Position trade & overview : stock in rally.
CIPLA   Intraday Calls :


Position trade & overview : stock in rally .

  Intraday Calls : 


Position trade & overview :  follow daily report for fresh call.
HPCL   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :


ICIBNK   Intraday call : no time left

Position trade & overview : follow SL 1066 in long , no more buy ,  , follow with daily SL and report must.
ITC   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :

INFY   Intraday Calls  : no time left

Position trade & overview : stock in downside correction with SL 1530 on daily , follow daily report for fresh call.

2015.05 Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview : keep long with SL 1910 , buy minor more @ 1954-1940 (buy ce 1940 strik / 25.4.24) in 2+ session,  , T  1967+ 1981 + max 2007 can retest   in 3-6+ sessions, use very low volume now in buy, follow with daily SL and report.

RIL 2920.20 Intraday call : sell @ 2933.50 + 2943 (buy pe 2940 strik/25.4.24) SL 2966 T 2926.50 + 2912
Position trade & overview : follow with daily report for fresh call.

-SL intraday
SBI 764.75 Intraday call: buy @ 756.40 (buy ce755 strik/25.4.24) SL 752.50 T 763.75 + 766.25 , if open high at T cancel buy after 12pm

sell @ 769.50 + 771.75 (buy pe 770 strik / 25.4.24) SL 777 T 767.25 + 765.75 , risky trade against trend , strict SL

Position trade & overview : follow SL 751.25 in long , exit 75% in long , and follow SL 751.25 in remain 25% position ,  follow with daily report for fresh call.
+T achieved in buy not trade

+1.50 Rs gain in sell

+10% gain in pe 770 strik
163.35 Intraday Calls  : buy @ 160.81 (buy ce 160.80 strik / 25.4.24) SL 159.10 T 162.92 + 164.14

Position trade & overview :  still rally inforce with SL 156.55 , fresh buy @ 159.13 in 1-2+ session , T can retest 162.25 +164 in 3-5 session , use very low volume now, follow with daily SL must.
+ T achieved level not traded

buying since 2-3 days

NIFTY 22514.65 Intraday call : buy @ 22424 + 22353 (buy ce 22450 + 22350 strik) SL 22275 T 22495 + 22525 are safe to exit
Position trade & overview : now follow SL 22275 in last long, T 22590 achieved , can retest 22527 + 22590 or max 22649 in 2-3+ session , avoid fresh buy at high, follow daily report for fresh call.

+80/100 points gain

+20% gain in ce 22450 strik

position we are already bullish since 5/7 days for T 22525+ almost near // last fresh buy asked at 22305 follow in past calls
48060.80 Intraday call : buy @ 47768 (buy ce 47750 strik / 10.4.24) SL 47520 T 47865 + 48000

sell @ 48163 + 48280 (buy pe 48150 + 48250 strik / 10.4.24) SL 48460 T 48050 + 47975 , risky trade, against trend


Position trade & overview : just follow SL 47420 in last long, T  47800 achieved and 48161 + 48347 may also retest  in 2- 3+ session, no buy at high, follow with daily SL and report must.
+buy not traded

+sell exited @ 48210 in noon , with minor profit or 0%

position we are already bullish since 5/7 days for T 48347 almost near //
5.04.24 AXIS
  Intraday Calls :

Position trade & overview : stock in rally.
CIPLA   Intraday Calls :


Position trade & overview : stock in rally .

  Intraday Calls : 


Position trade & overview :  follow daily report for fresh call.
HPCL   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :


ICIBNK   Intraday call : no time left

Position trade & overview : follow SL 1066 in long , no more buy ,  , follow with daily SL and report must.
ITC   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :

INFY   Intraday Calls  : no time left

Position trade & overview : stock in downside correction with SL 1530 on daily , follow daily report for fresh call.

2002.70 Intraday Calls  : buy risky today

sell @ 2017.50 (buy pe 2020 strik / 25.4.24) SL 2036 T 1999 + 1990 , risky trade against trend , strict intraday

Position trade & overview : keep long with SL 1910 , buy minor more @ 1954-1940 (buy ce 1940 strik / 25.4.24) in 2+ session,  , T  1967+ 1981 + max 2007 can retest   in 3-6+ sessions, use very low volume now in buy, follow with daily SL and report.

+5/7 Rs gain in sell
+10% gain in pe 2020 strik

RIL 2925.80 Intraday call : sell @ 2933 + 2943.50 ( buy pe2940 strik / 25.4.24) SL 2966 T 2917 + 2912
Position trade & overview : follow with daily report for fresh call.

+20/25 Rs gain in morning

+20% gain in pe 2940 strik
SBI 759.30 Intraday call: buy @ 756.20 + 754 (buy ce 755 strik /25.4.24) SL 749.25 T 761.75 + 764.25

Position trade & overview :  rally inforce with SL 747 , fresh buy safe @ 756.50 ( buy ce 755 25.4.24) in 1-2 session, T 765 + 774  , can retest ,in 2-4+ sessions, follow with daily SL must.
+8 Rs gain

+25%gain in ce 755 strik
163.40 Intraday Calls  : buy @ 161.54 +160.82 (buy ce 161 strik/25.4.24) SL 159.10 T 162.92 + 164.15

Position trade & overview :  still rally inforce with SL 154 , fresh buy @ 158.75 + 157.20 in 1-2+ session , T can retest 159.50 + 162.25 +164 in 3-5 session , use very low volume now, follow with daily SL must.
+3 Rs gain

+25% gain in ce 161 strik

NIFTY 22434.65 Intraday call : buy @ 22340/345 (buy ce 22350 strik/10.4.24) SL 22260 T 22475 + 22520

sell @ 22502 (buy pe 22500 strik/10.4.24) SL 22545 T 22443 + 22400 , risky trade against trend, strict intraday

Position trade & overview : now follow SL 22090 in last long, can buy minor more @ 22305 + 22240 ( buy ce 22300 + 22200 strik / 25.4.24) in 1-2 session , T 22485 + 22530 max 22590 in 3-6 sessions, follow with daily SL and report must.

note: today some safe buy level given in nifty  + banknifty, otherwise avoid.
+150/190 points gain in buy
+25% gain in ce 22350 strik

sell not traded open above SL , already said risky trade , even that also maintained T
47624.25 Intraday call : buy @ 47435 + 47340 (buy ce 47400 strik/10.4.24) SL 47245 T 47665 + 47720

sell @ 47725 + 47860 (buy pe 47700 + 47850 strik/10.4.24) SL 48010 T 47680 + 47580 , risky trade against trend , strict intraday

Position trade & overview : just follow SL 47185 in last long, T 47575 + 47800 in 2- 4+ session, no buy at high, follow with daily SL and report must.
+open high , buy level modified 47765 for T 48000 achieved , but asked to avoid to members , follow wapp screenshot

sell not traded open above SL so no trade
4.04.24 AXIS
  Intraday Calls :

Position trade & overview : stock in rally.
CIPLA   Intraday Calls :


Position trade & overview : stock in rally .

  Intraday Calls : 


Position trade & overview :  follow daily report for fresh call.
HPCL   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :


ICIBNK 1077.20 Intraday call : no time left

Position trade & overview : follow SL 1066 in long , no more buy ,  , follow with daily SL and report must.
ITC   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :

INFY   Intraday Calls  : no time left

Position trade & overview : stock in downside correction with SL 1530 on daily , follow daily report for fresh call.

1989.30 Intraday Calls  : buy @ 1966.50 + 1961 (buy ce 1960) SL 1934 T 1980 + 1991

Position trade & overview : keep long with SL 1820 , buy minor more @ 1948 (buy ce 1940 strik / 25.4.24) in 1-2+ session,  , T  1980+ 2007  in 3-6+ sessions, use very low volume now in buy, follow with daily SL and report.
+20/25 rs gain

+25% gain in ce 1960 strik
RIL 2943.20 Intraday call : buy @ 2929.25 + 2926 (buy ce 2920 strik /25.4.24) SL 2911 T 2940 + 4945
Position trade & overview : follow with daily report for fresh call.

SBI 771.05 Intraday call: buy @ 762.65 (buy ce 765 strik / 25.4.24) SL 756.40 T 769.80 + 771

Position trade & overview :  rally inforce with SL 746 , fresh buy safe @ 756.50 1( buy ce 755 25.4.24) in 1-2 session, T 765 + 774 in 4-7+ sessions, follow with daily SL must.
+2/3 Rs gain , open at T

+15% gain in ce 765 strik
163.65 Intraday Calls  : buy @ 161.55 + 160.82 (buy ce 161.50 + 160.80 strik / 25.4.24) SL 158.55 T 162.92 + 164.15

sell @ 165.76 + 166.20 (buy pe 166 strik / 25.4.24) SL 167 T 164.13 + 162.92 , risky trade against trend, strict intraday


Position trade & overview :  still rally inforce with SL 154 , fresh buy @ 158.75 + 157.20 in 1-2+ session , T can retest 159.50 + 162.25 +164 in 3-5 session , use very low volume now, follow with daily SL must.
+2.50 Rs gain in buy
+20% gain in ce 161.50 strik


+2.50 Rs gain in sell
+20% gain in pe 166 strik

NIFTY 22453.30 Intraday call : buy @ 22393 + 22338 (buy ce 22400 + 22350 strik / 11.4.24) SL 2215 T 22475 + 22525

sell @ 22505 (buy pe 22500 strik/11.4.24) SL 22545 T 22445 + 22400 , risky trade , against trend, strict intraday

Position trade & overview : now follow SL 22090 in last long, can buy minor more @ 22305 + 22240 ( buy ce 22300 + 22200 strik / 25.4.24) in 1-2 session , T 22485 + 22530 max 22590 in 4-7 sessions, follow with daily SL and report must.

+150 points gain in buy

+25% gain in ce 22400 strik

+60 points gain in sell per premarket level
47545.45 Intraday call : buy @ 47430 + 47319 (buy ce 47400 + 47300 strik/ 10.4.24) SL 47070 T 47575 + 47690

sell @ 47660 (buy pe 47650 strik / 10.4.24) SL 47735 T 47535 + 47450 , risky trade against trend, strict intraday


Position trade & overview : just follow SL 46705 in last long, buy minor more @ 47120 + 46980 ( buy ce 47100 + 47000 strik /25.4.24) in 1-2+session, T 47575 + 47800 in 4- 7 session, follow with daily SL and report must.
+255 points gain in buy

+25% gain in ce 47300 strik

+125 points gain in sell

+10-15% gain in pe 47650 strik
3.04.24 AXIS
  Intraday Calls :

Position trade & overview : stock in rally.
CIPLA   Intraday Calls :


Position trade & overview : stock in rally .

  Intraday Calls : 


Position trade & overview :  follow daily report for fresh call.
HPCL   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :


ICIBNK 1081.20 Intraday call : buy @ 1077 + 1072.75 (buy ce 1070/1080 strik/25.4.24) SL 1066.25 T 1079 + 1082

Position trade & overview : follow SL 1066 in long , no more buy , T 1086 + 1096 in 2-3+ session , follow with daily SL and report must.
+5/7 Rs gain

+20% gain in ce 1070 strik
ITC   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :

INFY   Intraday Calls  : no time left

Position trade & overview : stock in downside correction with SL 1530 on daily , follow daily report for fresh call.

1971.95 Intraday Calls  : buy @ 1944.75 + 1934.75 (buy ce 1940 strik / 25.4.24) SL 1913 T 1963 + 1974

Position trade & overview : keep long with SL 1885 , buy minor more @ 1925+1905 (buy ce 1920/1900 strik / 25.4.24) in 1-2+ session,  , T  1966 or max 1980 in 4-7+ sessions, use very low volume now in buy, follow with daily SL and report.
+T achieved
RIL 2973.90 Intraday call : buy @ 2960 + 2951 (buy ce 2960 strik/25.4.24) SL 2941 T 2981 +  2994

Position trade & overview : Correction ended @ 2526 , rally already inforce ,  fresh buy safe @ 2929.50 (Buy ce 2940 strik /25.4.24)  in 1-2 session, SL 2897 , T 2975 + 2993 in 3-5 session ,  follow with daily SL and report must.

+given minor profit upto 2pm  / then SL intraday
SBI 766.40 Intraday call: buy @ 759.65 + 756.05 (buy ce 760 + 755 strik/25.4.24) SL 751 T 765.75 + 767.75

Position trade & overview :  rally inforce with SL 744 , fresh buy safe @ 756 + 751( buy ce 755 25.4.24) in 1-2 session, T 765 + 774 4-7+ sessions, follow with daily SL must.
+5/6 rs gain

+25% gain in ce 760 strik
164.65 Intraday Calls  : buy risky today

sell @ 166.16 + 167.37 (buy pe 167.30 + 166.15 strik/25.4.24) SL 169.95 T 165.07 + 163.80 , risky trade against trend, strict intraday

Position trade & overview :  still rally inforce with SL 154 , fresh buy @ 158.75 + 157.20 in 1-2+ session , T can retest 159.50 + 162.25 +164 in 3-5 session , use very low volume now, follow with daily SL must.

+2.30 Rs gain in sell

+20% gain in pe 166 strik
NIFTY 22462 Intraday call : buy @ 22340 (buy ce 22350 strik / 4.4.24) SL 22260 T 22415 + 22480

sell @ 22528 + 22570 (buy pe 22550 strik  / 4.4.24) SL 22675 T 22480 + 22430 , risky trade against trend , strict intraday

Position trade & overview : now follow SL 22090 in last long, can buy minor more @ 22305 + 22240 ( buy ce 22300 + 22200 strik / 25.4.24) in 1-3 session , T 22485 + 22530 max 22590 in 5-8 sessions, follow with daily SL and report must.

+ T are achieved ,

+ T are achieved

47578.25 Intraday call : buy @ 47480 + 47385 (buy ce 47400 + 47500 strik / 10.4.24) SL 47215 T 47680 + 47750

sell @ 47860 (buy pe 47800 strik / 10.4.24) SL 48075 T 47675 , risky trade ,against trend, strict intraday ,


Position trade & overview : just follow SL 46695 in last long, buy minor more @ 47090 + 46960 ( buy ce 47100 + 47000 strik /25.4.24) in 1-3+session, T 47575 + 47800 in 5- 8 session, follow with daily SL and report must.
+200 points gain in buy

+20% gain in ce 47500 strik

sell no trade
2.04.24 AXIS
  Intraday Calls :

Position trade & overview : stock in rally.
CIPLA   Intraday Calls :


Position trade & overview : stock in rally .

  Intraday Calls : 


Position trade & overview :  follow daily report for fresh call.
HPCL   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :


ICIBNK 1099.65 Intraday call : buy @ 1095.75 + 1094.50 (buy ce 1085 strik / 25.4.24) SL 1085 T 1100 + 1102

Position trade & overview : still uptrend inforce with SL 1074 on daily , buy minor more @ 1087.75 + 1081.25 (buy ce 1090/1080 ce strik /25.4.24)  in 1-2 session, T 1106 + 1112 in 3-5/8 session , follow with daily SL and report must.
-SL intraday

+ position still bull
ITC   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :

INFY 1495.45 Intraday Calls  : sell @ 1511.25 + 1515.50 (buy pe 1520/1510 strik / 25.4.24) SL 1525 T 1494


Position trade & overview : stock in downside correction with SL 1530 on daily , follow daily report for fresh call.

+ t achieved no trade
1915.95 Intraday Calls  : buy @ 1897 (buy ce 1900 strik / 25.4.24) SL 1871 T 1918 + 1922

Position trade & overview : keep long with SL 1854 , buy minor more @ 1896.50+1882.25 (buy ce 1880 strik / 25.4.24) in 1-2+ session, SL 1854 , T 1925 + 1966 or max 1980 in 5-8+ sessions, follow with daily SL and report must.
+18/20 Rs gain

+25/30% gain in ce 1920 strik

position T 1966 + 1980 almost achieved
RIL 2969.55 Intraday call : buy @ 2960.75  (buy ce 2960 strik / 25.4.24) SL 2938 T 2976 + 2987

Position trade & overview : Correction ended @ 2526 , rally already inforce ,  fresh buy safe @ 2929.50 (Buy ce 2940 strik /25.4.24)  in 1-2 session, SL 2897 , T 2975 + 2993 in 3-5 session ,  follow with daily SL and report must.
+5/7 Rs gain

10/15% gain in ce 2960 strik
SBI 758.30 Intraday call: buy @ 751.25 (buy ce 750 strik / 25.4.24) SL 744.55 T 755.25 + 758

Position trade & overview :  follow daily report for fresh call.
+4/6 rs gain with minor diff in buy level

+25% gain in ce 750 strik
163.10 Intraday Calls  : avoid buy at high.

Position trade & overview : stock already achieved T 162 + 164 , still rally inforce with SL 151.50 , fresh buy @ 156.55 + 153.80 SL 151 , T can retest 159.50 + 162 ++
NIFTY 22326.90 Intraday call : buy @ 22300 + 22240 ( buy ce 22300 + 22250 strik / 4.4.24)  SL 22165 T 22345 + 22418

Position trade & overview : now follow SL 22120 in last long,  last time T was 22210 , but T 22476 also achieved, next T possibility is 22530 , follow with daily report must.

[9:35 am, 1/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Open with gap follo modify intraday level
[9:49 am, 1/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Nifty: Intarday fresh buy safe @ 22393 + 22338 SL 22215 T 22485 + 22530 buy ce 22400 + 22350 accordin g
[9:53 am, 1/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Bnknifty : intraday fresh buy @ 47380 + 47275 SL 47040 T 47500 + 47685 buy ce 47400 + 47300 3.4.24 according
[9:54 am, 1/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Nifty: Intarday fresh buy safe @ 22393 + 22338 SL 22215 T 22485 + 22530 buy ce 22400 + 22350 4.4.24 accordin g
[9:58 am, 1/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): When scyco is strong market open with gap its not in my hand , we already define these level in advance but intarday it open with gap /
[10:04 am, 1/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Support : Members never trade wrong try to trade near my level or avoid , market is always their, and oppertuninity always their . take care
[12:43 pm, 1/4/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Dear members, before starting trade on my calls must follow how to trade video , our calls are spot level , can trade Option/future/equity all on base of that , its advance . If you have any query can call us for clarification.

Suresh Sharma
+Open above T . T modified 22485 + 22530 online , follow wapp

47124.60 Intraday call : buy @ 47095 + 46990 (buy ce 47100 strik / 3.4.24) SL 46755 T 47240 + 47375


Position trade & overview : just follow SL 46750 in last long,  last given T  47250/270 achieved , buying at high is risky , follow with daily report for fresh call.
+Open above T . T modified 47510 + 47680 , follow wapp
1.04.24 AXIS
  Intraday Calls :

Position trade & overview : stock in rally.
CIPLA   Intraday Calls :


Position trade & overview : stock in rally .

1447.90 Intraday Calls : 


Position trade & overview :  follow daily report for fresh call.
HPCL   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :


ICIBNK   Intraday call : buy @ 1093.30 + 1091 (buy ce 1090 strik / 25.4.24) SL 1083.75 T 1097.50 + 1100

Position trade & overview : still uptrend inforce with SL 1074 on daily , buy minor more @ 1087.75 + 1081.25 (buy ce 1090/1080 ce strik /25.4.24)  in 1-2 session, T 1106 + 1112 in 3-5/8 session , follow with daily SL and report must.
+4/6 Rs gain with minor diff in buy level

+15/20% gain in ce 1090 strik
ITC   Intraday Calls  :

Position trade & overview :

INFY   Intraday Calls  :


Position trade & overview :

1921.35 Intraday Calls  : buy @ 1909.75 (buy ce 1900/1920  strik /25.4.24) SL 1882 T 1926 + 1932

Position trade & overview : keep long with SL 1854 , buy minor more @ 1896.50+1882.25 9buy ce 1880 strik / 25.4.24) in 1-2+ session, SL 1854 , T 1925 + 1966 or max 1980 in 5-8+ sessions, follow with daily SL and report must.
+16/20 Rs gain

+25% gain in ce 1920 strik
RIL 2971.70 Intraday call : buy @ 2960.75 + 2945 (buy ce 2960 strik / 25.4.24) SL 2928.75 T 2975 + 2986

Position trade & overview : Correction ended @ 2526 , rally already inforce ,  fresh buy safe @ 2929.50 (Buy ce 2940 strik /25.4.24)  in 1-2 session, SL 2897 , T 2975 + 2993 in 3-5 session ,  follow with daily SL and report must.
+ T achieved no trade
SBI 752.35 Intraday call: buy @ 749.90 + 745 9buy ce 750 + 745 strik / 25.4.24) SL 737.50 T 758.25

Position trade & overview :  follow daily report for fresh call.
+4 Rs gain with minor diff in buy level

+20% gain in ce 750 strik
  Intraday Calls  :


Position trade & overview :

NIFTY 22123.65 Intraday call : buy @ 22075 + 22045 (buy ce 22050 strik / 4.4.24) SL 21985 T 22128 + 22180

Position trade & overview : now follow SL 21925 in last long,  T  22115 are achieved , or max 22210 possibility in 1 session , avoid fresh buy at high . Test a minor advance sell @ 22215 + 22320 ( buy pe 22200 + 22300 strik /  11.4.24 )in 1-2 session,  SL 22410 , T 22090 + 22020 + in 3-5+ sessions , follow with daily SL and report must. Sell still risky , against trend.
[10:04 am, 28/3/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Nifty : Intraday fresh buy @ 22196 + 22135 SL 22040 T are 22239 + 22300 max 22340 / buy ce 22200 + 22150 4..4.24 according intraday
[10:10 am, 28/3/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Bnknifty : intraday fresh buy @ 46965 + 46855 SL 46690 T are 47240 is safe to exit ////but can even 47375 / buy ce 47000 + 46900 3.4.24 according but both are intraday as buying at high
[10:12 am, 28/3/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Stock : Ril + icibk + M&M we r bull + Sbi can also 1-2+ session can maintain minor rally per nifty
[10:23 am, 28/3/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): HNI: when we mis first leg oppertunity then we avoid , last time we taken buy in nifty + bnknifty but unfortunately high complexion was their so exited / on accurate time again we will ask keep patiance
[10:23 am, 28/3/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): HNI: when we mis first leg oppertunity then we avoid , last time we taken buy in nifty + bnknifty but unfortunately high complexion was their so exited / on accurate time again we will ask keep patiance
[11:03 am, 28/3/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): NIfty : can even T 22395 ++ also in a day- two but try to buy at level
[11:06 am, 28/3/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Bnknift T 47395 and can even T 47500+ in 1+2 days / try to buy in correction not at hight
[11:14 am, 28/3/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Icibk T given in position was 1100 can T 1113 in short term
[12:44 pm, 28/3/2024] Suresh Sharma (R. A.): Nifty : safe T given 22395 + above it possibility is 22419 or max 22455 but we never ask to buy at high always in correction // bnknifty as given in last msage
+open high T modified 22419 + 22455, follow wapp

ask to keep long
46785.95 Intraday call : buy @ 46695 + 46600 (buy ce 46700 + 46600 strik / 3.4.24) SL 46495 T 46900 + 46960 -46990 is safe to exit / can even T 47060 +


Position trade & overview : keep long with SL 46450 on daily now, T compulsory 46785 achieved , next T are 46990 is safe, or max 47250/270 possibility in 1-2+ session , buying at high is risky . In  1-2 session , we may ask sell at some high 47270 near , its advance , follow with daily report.
+ open high T modified 47245 + 47395 + 47515 , follow wapp in nifty column
28.03.24 AXIS
  Intraday Calls :

Position trade & overview : stock in rally.
      Note: members are requested not to share any unwanted wapp , only emergency query or any support for calls can ask, if we found discrepancies, service will hold without notice. we work hard for our members , don't want any disturbance for better result.  



      Note : My follow up start from 9.45- or 10.15am , because my Premarket mostly maintain high accuracy we put all rules in those calls and our SL are very logical , some time open may higher then SL in buy/or sell that time ignore trade , if i feel fresh trade will update online. Intraday mostly works in 1st hrs never miss pre-market level.  
      URGENT NOTE : always read our text very carefully , In intraday some time we give both buy/sell calls on base of my advance levels strategy , but same nifty or stocks are defined with  trend in position calls, you can use intraday both buy/sell or trade only with trend (if trend is up ignore sell or trend is down ignore buy) , same strategy apply in position calls  also some time. report deliver in night , so must devote some time or reading of report and trade on level only, some time we may miss call , but never trade wrong.  
      URGENT NOTE: Our premarket Intraday / and position level maintain high accuracy because we apply all rules on that report , read report both Intraday / position very carefully and take your trade in discipline . You can trade Equity , future , option, all segment on our report , because in each index & stocks , we define Intraday and position both in advance with price and time. past performance available with screen-shot on telegram / and on website .  

How to Trade

                                                                      How to Trade

ADVANCE-RULES FOR INTRADAY/FUTURE/OPTION TRADING on 28 years experience (since 1994) : 


B. For Intraday: WE GIVE 2 LEVELS IN BUY OR SELL , USE 50+50% ON BOTH LEVELS, BOOK PROFIT 50+50% ON T ACCORDINGLY OR CLOSE ON CLOSING LEVEL (example: Buy nifty 10500 + 10475 SL 10440 T 10550 + 10575, book profit of 10475 @ 10550 & another of 10500 @ 10575 or close it on closing of market or follow SL must, maintain same strategy in stocks also).  example given below:

Intraday (cash level):  buy @ 634.25 + 631.75 SL 627.25 T 641 + 643

Intraday option:  buy CE  630  28.07.22 , as per cash level given above

    For Position trade : In daily news-letter/report we give position calls and overview for Nifty and 4/6 stocks , level are cash/spot , can trade future & option as per cash/spot level, example: buy nifty @ 10500 SL 10400 (daily basis it modifiy) T 10800 + 11000 (given in advance for profit booking) . Option trader's always buy current strik of Nifty or Stocks never of T level. or example given below:

Position trade & overview : keep long with SL 15450 , buy minor more@ 15650 + 15585 in 1-3 days ,  T 15800 + 15975 and if maintain above 16000 then 16160   in 5 + 8 days or follow with daily report.

Position Option : buy CE  15600   28.07.22  as per cash level given above  



E. No's given in Nifty or stock's are,  (1)  Best  (2) is better , (3) is good for buy/ or sell as given.
